Vectors and Subsetting

Week 04, Fall 2024


This week we will introduce two more important objects: list and data frames. Then we will look at subsetting objects.

Learning Objectives

After completing this week, you are expected to be able to:

  • Understand the difference between atomic vectors, lists, and data frames.
  • Create and use lists.
  • Create and use data frames.
  • Use the three common subsetting operators ([, [[, and $) with atomic vectors, lists, and data frames.
  • Use each of the six different types of subsetting allowed in R.
  • Understand the difference between preserving and simplifying operations.


Link Source
Generic Vectors Atomic R
Subsetting Atomic R


Title Link Mirror
4.1 - Welcome to Week 04 4.1 - YouTube 4.1 - ClassTranscribe
4.2 - Generic Vectors 4.2 - YouTube 4.2 - ClassTranscribe
4.3 - Subsetting 4.3 - YouTube 4.3 - ClassTranscribe
4.4 - Lab 03 4.4 - YouTube 4.4 - ClassTranscribe


Assignment Deadline Credit
Lab 02 Thursday, September 19 100%
Quiz 02 Thursday, September 19 105%
Lab 03 Thursday, September 26 100%
Quiz 03 Thursday, September 26 105%

Office Hours

This week, Daniel’s Tuesday office hours will be from 2:30 to 3:30 PM Champaign time.